Sunday, July 29, 2012

doodley doo

Just some doodles I've done recently with my new Prismacolor markers that I'm super duper excited about. Hands are fun to draw, what can I say... !

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Planet Tilda

If anybody were to ask me what my favorite editorial of all time is, it would be this one right here. "Planet Tilda" was photographed by the magical photographer Tim Walker and styled by Jacob Kjeldgaard, two geniuses I tell you! Despite the tangible materials, colors and body posture, there is something so supernatural that makes one look at these images twice. Of course, the juxtaposition (every one hates this word BUT I CAN'T HELP IT) between the structural suits, accessories and facial latex with the more soft knits and leathers create a beautiful tension that make me go blergh. 

It may be Tilda herself, who already has an androgynous, alien-like appearance. Apparently, she is pretty well known for acting like a weirdo as well. However, I don't really see her as a weirdo in this editorial. She seems effortless, fearless and strong; her small hints of her femininity in each photograph, whether it is her soft eye contact with the camera, the way she wraps her hands on her neck with soft leather gloves and a cozy sweater, or her bright green eyes, subtly add that special touch that I think makes it so magical. 

In my opinion, this editorial removed the over-commercialism and reminded me that fashion is an integration of several different aspects of art. Being an art and fashion nerd, this will be a repetitive theme on my blog, ~trust me.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

김대현 Daehyun Kim

Trained in Eastern Art Painting, Korean artist Daehyun Kim incorporates modern and contemporary style into a traditionally Eastern method of illustration. I found these illustrations surprisingly gruesome and dark for such a simple and innocent appearance. I am convinced that colors do not limit the kind of emotions that a piece of art can evoke, and I found that pretty inspiring. He also reminds me how badly I want to go to Seoul. I feel like I am missing out on such an important part of global culture...